Privacy Policy

Customer Update/Personal Data

I have been informed that Teleraise IKE (National Resistance Street, No. 21, Thessaloniki, 56430, phone number +30 231 181 4200, VAT EL099620564, GEMI number 042151006000) will process my personal data exclusively for purposes related to the execution of the present Car Rental Contract, as well as to provide service within the aforementioned legal relationship (legal basis for processing: contract execution). The data processed by Teleraise IKE include name, identification details, contact information, VAT number, and payment details (credit/debit card). In addition, Teleraise IKE will process my name for the purpose of verifying against European and International Sanctions Lists (legal basis for processing: compliance with legal obligation). For the certification of communication details and residential address, copies of telephone or energy bills may be requested.

Teleraise IKE maintains the confidentiality of the processing. Teleraise IKE takes all appropriate organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of the data and protect them from accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, disclosure, or access and any other form of unlawful processing.

Teleraise IKE will not disclose my data to third parties unless it is absolutely necessary for the above processing purpose. This category includes, in particular, cooperating insurance companies and authorized Teleraise IKE repairers in Greece. As an exception, Teleraise IKE may make my personal data accessible to companies that provide information technology and technical support services, which will act on its behalf and based on Teleraise IKE’s written instructions (performing the processing) and will not be allowed to use the data for their own benefit.

Teleraise IKE will retain personal data for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which it was collected or as permitted or required by you or by law.

I have been informed that I have the right to access, correct or delete personal data, as well as to limit their processing. I also have the right to object to processing, as well as to data portability provided to the data controller for the above purposes. The rights are exercised by submitting a request to the data controller, at the email address or the telephone number 2311814200.

More information about the processing of my data and my rights can be found in the Privacy Policy of Teleraise IKE on Additionally, I have the right to file a complaint with the Hellenic Data Protection Authority (, Offices: Kifisias 1-3, 115 23 Athens. Data Controller: Teleraise IKE (21 Ethnikis Antistaseos str., Thessaloniki), Tel. 231 181 4200, Email:
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