General terms of Rental

General Terms of Rental

The driver of the vehicle must be over 23 years old and hold a driving license for more than 24 months.

When picking up the car, the driver should bring the following with him:

  • Valid driver’s license (Greek, European for EU countries or International Driver’s License accompanied by the driver’s license of the country of the car driver) with a date of issue at least 24 months before the rental date. Driver’s licences from all countries are accepted. A condition, for those that do not belong to the European Union, is that their holders have a tourist visa.
  • Credit card.
  • Passport or identity card

All of the above must display the driver’s name.

The Lessee is obliged to take care of the Car, keep it in good condition, check its mechanical condition, the level of oil and water, tires, etc. and generally show the diligence of a prudent Person. Any repair of the Car by the Renter or another third party is prohibited without the prior approval of Teleraise IKE. The car is prohibited from leaving Greece, as well as being loaded onto a train, ship, or other means of transportation without the prior written consent of Teleraise IKE. The car is prohibited from being used: a) to transport people or objects for a fee, b) to tow or pull cars or other objects, c) to participate or follow in speed races, d) for subleasing or transfer to third parties, e) for purposes that violate Greek laws, f) if the lessee or additional car driver is under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, barbiturates, or any other substance that affects driving ability and the driver’s senses, g) in violation of any customs, traffic or other regulations, h) by any third party other than the lessee and the additional driver for whom the lessee has accepted the daily charge for additional drivers, as specified in Teleraise IKE’s official list, i) to transport or move heavy luggage, flammable materials, polluted or foul-smelling objects, drugs, etc., j) for the conduct of illegal transportation of domestic or foreign nationals or the commission of illegal acts.23


Additional Driver(s)

The daily charge for the use of the car by additional driver(s) amounts to €10.00 + VAT per day per driver.

Payment method:

Reservations made through the websites and and require the existence of a credit card to be completed. For the collection of the car, a personal credit card (Visa, MasterCard) of the renter is required for approval and coverage of the amounts relating to the deposit and the payment of the rental.

The total estimated rental amount must be approved by the driver’s credit card upon collection of the car. This amount will not be available for immediate use on the driver’s credit card, and its release may take up to 14 days, depending on the policy and process of the issuing bank of the card. The lessor is not responsible for any delay on the part of the bank.

The renter has the option to prepay the total rental amount upon collection of the car using a debit card. In this case, the renter must also present a personal credit card for approval and possible coverage of amounts relating to liability insurance.

The deposit paid is refunded only to the lessor’s bank account declared before the rental. The deposit is refunded no later than 14 days after the vehicle is collected and after it has been inspected for its condition.

Cancellations / No-shows:

Cancellations are accepted without any further charge provided that they are made up to 48 hours before the scheduled start of the rental.

Changes to reservations:

Changes to reservations are possible only by phone at +30 6946461497 or at 2311 807 255 and entail a recalculation of the price based on vehicle availability and the current price list at the time of the change. Changes to the renter’s name, credit card number, or car category are not possible. In this case, the original reservation must be canceled and a new one made. If the renter wishes to extend the rental, they must notify the lessor 24 hours before the original return agreement and obtain explicit and written acceptance.

Early return:

In the event of the car being returned earlier than the date specified in the reservation and rental contract, there will be no refund.

Late return:

After the agreed rental period has expired, there is a grace period of up to 60 minutes for the return of the car with no extra charge. After this grace period, the renter will be charged at least the cost of an additional day’s rental.


All bookings are subject to availability. If we are unable to provide you with a car in the category you have reserved, we may offer you a car in the immediately larger category with a special discount. The company reserves the right to provide a different type of car from that of the original reservation depending on availability, with a corresponding or larger category.

Fuel policy:

The renter is obliged to return the car with the same amount of fuel as when received. Otherwise, they will be charged for the missing fuel, as well as the Fuel Service Fee, which is €15.00. The fuel price per liter is based on the average price of the area from where the car is rented, as shown on the Price Observatory of the Ministry of Development, Competitiveness & Shipping website (

Traffic violations:

Fines and any other consequences from violations of the Greek Traffic Code (KOK) are fully and exclusively borne by the car renter. The renter assumes full responsibility for any traffic violations and pays the corresponding fines, as well as the handling fee, which amounts to €15.00 per violation/fine.


Smoking is prohibited inside the rented vehicle. In case of violation, the renter is required to pay the Sanitizing Service Cost, which amounts to €125.00.

Return in an unacceptable condition:

In the case of the car being returned in an exceptionally (unusually) dirty condition, the renter is obliged to pay the Cleaning Service Cost, which amounts to €15.00. In case a biological cleaning of the cabin and passenger compartment is required, the renter will be charged an additional €150.00.

Tracking System:

SUV and MPV vehicles are equiped with a navigation and tracking system (GPS) that is integrated into the MBUX multimedia system and it is used by Teleraise PC only in case of vehicle loss or other unlawful activities.

Insurance coverage:

All of our cars are insured under mixed insurance programs with the following coverage, which are subject to the general terms of the insurance contracts of Teleraise IKE with its insurance company:

  • Third Party Liability (3PL) in case of bodily injury to third parties (including passengers in the rented vehicle, except the driver) during the circulation of the rented vehicle.
  • Personal Accident Insurance (PAI) for the authorized driver of the rented vehicle in case of an accident that occurs while the authorized driver is inside the rented vehicle.
  • Material Damage of the Rented Vehicle in case of material damages caused by uninsured vehicles, fire and terrorist acts, total and partial theft, damages from natural phenomena, strikes, protests, political unrest, crystal breakage and own damages.
  • Own damages: Own Damage Insurance covers damages to the insured vehicle caused exclusively by collision, impact, skid, overturning, fall and directly from malicious acts of third parties.
  • Malicious actions by third parties are considered the cause of damages to the insured vehicle, with the exclusive goal of vandalism or malicious damage, provided that these damages were not caused during stops, strikes, riots, political unrest, terrorist activities, or general public disorder. This also includes damages that may occur during the transportation or loading and unloading of the insured vehicle, by a ferry or a road assistance vehicle, provided that they meet the legal requirements for vehicle transportation.
  • Transportation by ferry of the leased vehicle is only allowed upon written approval from Teleraise IKE. In order for the damage to the insured vehicle to be compensated in case of transportation by a ferry, it must be recorded in the ship’s logbook or the relevant port authority, and the corresponding document must be provided to the Company.

The prerequisite for covering own damages, or other incidents (fire, theft) is the recording of the event by the police and the accident report at the scene of the incident.


The following exceptions apply when there is a specific reference to them, in the specific term of each coverage.
  • Damages caused to the insured car due to poor maintenance.
  • Damages caused to the car tires, provided they do not coincide with other damages covered by this insurance.
  • Damages that occur while the car is moving outside roads intended for car traffic or on roads where authorities prohibit traffic.
  • Any opening of an airbag or light.
CDW Liability waiver (included in rental prices): The lessee’s liability for damages to the rented vehicle or total/partial theft is limited to:
  • €2,000.00 for private passenger vehicle SUV: GLC 200, GLC 220 D categories.
  • €3,000.00 for private passenger vehicle MPV: V-CLASS 250 D, V-CLASS 220 D categories.
  • €3,000.00 for private truck vehicle VAN: SCUDO, DOBLO, DUCATO categories.
It is a prerequisite for the lessee to accept and sign the relevant terms of the rental agreement, the damage not to have been caused by the lessee’s negligence or violation of traffic laws, and no incorrect fuel usage to have occurred. The lessee is obliged to pay the liability amount (see “Liability waiver” below) in case of damage and to promptly provide a completed and signed Accident Statement form. Damages to tires, personal belongings theft are not covered by any insurance.Extended liability waiver (SCDW): The renter’s liability for damages to the rented vehicle or total/partial theft may be further limited to:
  • €0.00 for private passenger vehicle SUV: GLC 200, GLC 220 D and private passenger vehicle MPV: V-CLASS 250 D, V-CLASS 220 D categories, with an additional charge of 10% on the total rental amount per rental day and a minimum amount of €200.00 per rental.
  • €0.00 for private truck vehicle VAN: SCUDO, DUCATO, DOBLO categories, with an additional charge of 10% on the total rental amount per rental day and a minimum amount of €200.00 per rental.
A prerequisite is for the renter to have accepted and signed the relevant terms of the rental agreement, the damage not to have been caused by the renter’s negligence or a violation of the Highway Code, and no wrong fuel use to have occurred. The renter is obliged to pay the liability amount (see “Liability waiver” below) in case of damage and to promptly submit a completed and signed Traffic Accident Statement form. Damages to the tires and theft of personal items are not covered by any insurance.Transportation of the rented vehicle by ship is only allowed with written approval from Teleraise IKE. In order for the damage to the insured vehicle to be compensated in case of transportation by a ferry, it must be recorded in the ship’s logbook or the relevant port authority, and the corresponding document must be provided to the Company.

Other Terms:

a) This is only a rental agreement. The Tenant is in no way and under no circumstances a representative of Teleraise IKE. The Tenant acknowledges that they do not acquire any other rights except those specified in this agreement, b) During the rental period, all additional drivers are jointly and severally liable with the Tenant, c) Similarly, in case the representative signs this lease agreement, they will be jointly and severally liable with the represented party, d) This agreement supersedes any prior written or oral agreement between Teleraise IKE and the Tenant, e) Teleraise IKE cannot waive its rights arising from the law and this agreement, f) Any modification of the terms of this agreement is void if not agreed in writing, g) The Tenant agrees and accepts that all of the above terms apply both in the case of the initial agreement with Teleraise IKE and in cases of extension of the lease period or replacement of the initial leased car with another one, h) In case of discrepancy between the copies and the original of this agreement, the original held by Teleraise IKE prevails, i) The contracting parties acknowledge and accept all the terms of this agreement as essential and fundamental for the purposes herein.


This agreement is governed by Greek law and any dispute between Teleraise IKE and the lessee arising from this agreement shall fall exclusively within the jurisdiction of the courts of Thessaloniki.

Customer Update/Personal Data

I have been informed that Teleraise IKE (National Resistance Street, No. 21, Thessaloniki, 56430, phone number +30 231 181 4200, VAT EL099620564, GEMI number 042151006000) will process my personal data exclusively for purposes related to the execution of the present Car Rental Contract, as well as to provide service within the aforementioned legal relationship (legal basis for processing: contract execution). The data processed by Teleraise IKE include name, identification details, contact information, VAT number, and payment details (credit/debit card). In addition, Teleraise IKE will process my name for the purpose of verifying against European and International Sanctions Lists (legal basis for processing: compliance with legal obligation). For the certification of communication details and residential address, copies of telephone or energy bills may be requested.

Teleraise IKE maintains the confidentiality of the processing. Teleraise IKE takes all appropriate organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of the data and protect them from accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, disclosure, or access and any other form of unlawful processing.

Teleraise IKE will not disclose my data to third parties unless it is absolutely necessary for the above processing purpose. This category includes, in particular, cooperating insurance companies and authorized Teleraise IKE repairers in Greece. As an exception, Teleraise IKE may make my personal data accessible to companies that provide information technology and technical support services, which will act on its behalf and based on Teleraise IKE’s written instructions (performing the processing) and will not be allowed to use the data for their own benefit.

Teleraise IKE will retain personal data for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which it was collected or as permitted or required by you or by law.

I have been informed that I have the right to access, correct or delete personal data, as well as to limit their processing. I also have the right to object to processing, as well as to data portability provided to the data controller for the above purposes. The rights are exercised by submitting a request to the data controller, at the email address or the telephone number 2311814200.

More information about the processing of my data and my rights can be found in the Privacy Policy of Teleraise IKE on Additionally, I have the right to file a complaint with the Hellenic Data Protection Authority (, Offices: Kifisias 1-3, 115 23 Athens. Data Controller: Teleraise IKE (21 Ethnikis Antistaseos str., Thessaloniki), Tel. 231 181 4200, Email:
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